Blood Moon is a battle mode where two or more kingdoms compete in the Blood Moon Valley. Each kingdom can earn points by fulfilling specific requirements. Once the 2-day war ends, the kingdom with the highest points wins.
[Schedule] Blood Moon War is held once every 4 weeks. Only kingdoms that have completed Continent Domination at least once will be matched. Lords will be able to check the opponent kingdoms 3 days before the war starts.
[Entry Requirement] Only Lords with Citadels Level 18 or higher may enter.
[Blood Moon] A new world with better rewards.
[Points Event] Separate Inferno and Alliance Events will be held for Blood Moon War.
[Rewards] Victorious Kingdoms of the 2-day War will receive a variety of World Buffs for the next 2 days. Defeated kingdoms may enter the Blood Moon Valley, but can't use the Peace Shield.